Sunday, January 28, 2007

People on a mission

What do mission organizations do for these people?

- Mission organizations primary interact with these types of people in order to help them be acquainted with God and eventually embrace God’s love. The organizations send missionaries like Don Richardson to various parts of the world where people are not fully aware of Christianity, who therefore sometimes live in societies where cultures and customs often oppose to ideas promoted by the gospel. Missionaries in turn attempt to make connections with the cultures of uncivilized people in order to make the concept of Christianity more acceptable to them. During this process, missionaries also help these people significantly in medical or educational aspects, often raising the people’s standards of living.
However, above all these little things, what mission organizations truly do is ultimately save the people who are sometimes corrupted or strayed away from the right way to live. The organizations give these people a chance to accommodate Christianity into their everyday lives and therefore build a peaceful and stable society, which is usually better off than their former societies. Don Richardson, for example, spread Christianity not only to the Sawis but to many native tribes in Papua New Guinea, therefore promoting peace rather than hostility and cannibalism, which were dominant ideas constituting the lives of the natives. During the process he helped the people improve in terms of medical care, food supply, and other resources that increased their living standards.
Despite some exceptions, mission organizations basically send people around the world to spread the gospel to uncivilized people such as the Sawi and help them accept God into their lives, which will most likely promote general welfare.

1 comment:

African Globe Trotters. said...

Yes your comment "Missionaries in turn attempt to make connections with the cultures of uncivilized people in order to make the concept of Christianity more acceptable to them. During this process, missionaries also help these people significantly in medical or educational aspects, often raising the people’s standards of living." is exactly what missions are doing. Well answered. Mrs.Mc.