Sunday, January 28, 2007

The issue of conciliating with different cultures

What should we do when we are confronted with other cultures?

- Cultural diversity is virtually inevitable because people all over the world have different ideas and beliefs. People spread out throughout continents and countries since the beginning of civilization have developed different values, views, and traditions, creating diverse cultures. As there are many different cultures, there has been much contact among them as people of each type confront each other. For example, Europeans and Native Americans in the Americas had to confront each other during the Era of Exploration. These interactions often resulted in violence or treachery, as one group usually attempts to gain as much benefits as possible and disregard the concerns of the other. This was usually the case in the past, although many weren’t so extreme as for the consequences.
However, I think that when people confront other cultures, they should almost always consider the values and thoughts of the people of the other side before attempting to maximize benefits for themselves. When we acknowledge the interests of people who we meet in different environments with different ideas, they will most likely do the same. By doing this, I think Don Richardson was able to successfully convert the Sawi into Christians, as he adapted to their lifestyle and peacefully shared ideas with them, eventually introducing the God. If he tried to force the Sawi to become Christians without considering their situation or values, he would most likely have failed. We often say that when we meet new people, we should respect them, cautious of our actions, and not be fully convinced that our culture is best; we should do the same to people of different cultures. There are good things in other cultures that we may not notice quickly.


Gracie said...

This was insightful and exceedingly pleasurable to read because it relates to some of the values that I have. It's difficult to always have an optimistic view on something that may seem different to you, especially when it deals with cultural differences. However, as you have said, I believe that respecting the qualities of the other culture no matter how strange or unapproving it may seem is the best way to confront diverse culture.

Deep said...

This was definitely something extremely realistic. An alien culture should be analyzed very carefully before trying to adjust to it, because a wide array of emotions is involved in it...whether it be their feelings, or your own, as well. Coercion of your own convictions on another person will not culminate into anything beneficial, as you said. Being a foreigner in an alien country myself, I know hoe difficult it is to adjust and adapt to a new environment...whether it be the food, language or the people. Ironically, this difficulty is mutual..since even for the Koreans, I am representative of an equally alien culture. Therefore, the only way adjustment to a new culture is possible is by respecting the other culture's feelings and opinions, and letting adjustment take its time.

Anonymous said...

i love dennis
cuz dennis is a good writer


i agree with you. cultural diversity IS virtually inevitable. I agree with everything you said. I do have one question though. how would one consider the values and thoughts of the people of the other side? Are assumptions always correct? Considering and assuming are limited. don't you think?

African Globe Trotters. said...

Your approach to this question is unique. I agree with Grace, Deep and Jaedoo. You have stimulated your peers into action. Respect for our fellow man is an essential key to understanding cultural diversity. Mrs.Mc.