Sunday, January 28, 2007

What can/should societies do?

What should society do for “uncivilized cultures” like the Sawi?”

- What does the society need to for people who are still uneducated, barbaric, and struggling to survive? First of all, it needs to help them survive. All its other pursuits would be futile when they perish. Second, it should familiarize the uncivilized people with the highly developed and civilized parts of today’s world, which may be very unexpected and menacing to them. One of the primary motives of today’s society is helping uncivilized people gain a better standard of living, and this will be possible when these people are familiar with the cultures of the civilized world around them. Without embracing the ideas of the rest of the world, they will not accept the benefits offered by the society. Then the society should introduce tools and methods of living that allow these people to survive more easily and gain better living standards. When the uncivilized people see the benefits of the civilized world, they will accept its ideas and cultures.
Society, however, should definitely not seek to gain profit and other benefits from uncivilized people, at least in initial stages of interaction. This usually leads to a disadvantage to the uncivilized, as the civilized will manipulate the resources and values enjoyed by the former. Profits from uncivilized cultures should only be sought once they are actually civilized and are able to understand how the society around them works. Mutual consent of both sides to trade and interact should take place before any profits are sought by the more civilized. In sum, society should first think about benefiting the uncivilized, motivated by generosity, like Don Richardson, rather than greed.


repete89 said...

gggggeeeee! the voice you use is very profound. If I had not been in TOK with you I would have accept this to be true, but what is truth? is what you are speaking of reliable? you used no evidence to support the validity of your statements, thus i can not accept your insight based on your language alone. Overall, I do believe that this is well done, and although i would have liked to have heard more about what the society should actually do, it was still well done.

Reaper[Jason] said...

um.... yea i agree with you but not my soul... maybe it would help some Sawi culture but showing the society would be a counter effect on them in some ways...The world is creul and I wouldn't think people would leave the Sawi alone...Racism is very present and traveling wouldn't be a good idea but to stay and devolope, and discover new inventions.

African Globe Trotters. said...

Dennis the comments about have so good points. Use the novel and The Bible to support your statements. Mrs.Mc.