Sunday, January 28, 2007

God wants us to...

What does God expect us to do for other cultures and faiths?

- God primarily expects us, first of all, to trust Him that he will show us the way in introducing people of other cultures and faiths to Him. He wants us to calm and trustful that He will guide us to the best way. He implies through his words that when we confront different types of people and ideas, we should not fully reject them, but acknowledge their long-settled customs that cannot be changed so easily. Even if the other people are hostile towards us, we shall “Love our enemies” as Jesus says, do as much as possible to help them and forgive them even when they are arrogant or disrespectful. God expects us in any circumstance that we spread the love of God to people around the world by doing good for the people, as by charity or missions. Other cultures then will realize that Christianity is after all the true religion for all people and that God will save those who believe in him.
By these endeavors, God want us to spread the Gospel to everyone possible, while being patient even when some people may strongly disagree with Christianity. Don Richardson, for example, saw the Sawi actually praise Judas’s betrayal of Jesus since they value treachery and deceit. However, Richardson was able to use the idea of the Peace Child to convince the Sawi of God’s endless love and Jesus’s crucifiction. Like this, in crises when ideas of Christianity and other cultures significantly differ, God will help us to solve the problem. God expects us to be his messengers as well as students.


Alan Sohn said...

As you said in this post, God wants us to share love even though other people believe in different religions or cultures. Because they will eventually find out that Christianity is the genuine religion. Like you said, "God will help us to solve the problem". So, we do not have to force people to accept Jesus' crucifiction because it will naturally happen despite some mental or physical difficulties or hardships like Don accomplished in the novel.

tingga said...

Yeah Dennis, I think it's really important to rely on God to show us the real key into these people's lives and not lean on our own understanding because His ways are always best. And when these people start praising Him, I think its really important to know that it was not us but God who changed their lives. We are just hands and feet of God. I like what you wrote.

African Globe Trotters. said...

Good post, your written response is clear and insightful. Your writing style is enthralling. Mrs.Mc.